National Weather Service Forecast for:
Bloomington, IL Issued by: National Weather Service Central Illinois |
Updated: Mon, 13-Jan-2025 6:36am CST | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The detailed point forecast weather data is not currently available.
The zone forecast data for ILZ038 (McLean) will be displayed until the point forecast data is again available. If this persists, contact the NWS Central Illinois WFO at 217-732-3089 (8:30 am to 4 pm) or email at to have them update the point forecast for /gridpoints/ILX/68,87 on |
Today |
Sunny. Much cooler with highs around 18. West winds 10 to 15 mph with gusts up to 25 mph. Wind chill values as low as 7 below this morning. |
Tonight |
Partly cloudy in the evening, then mostly cloudy with a slight chance of snow after midnight. Lows around 9 above. West winds 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 20 percent. Wind chill values as low as 4 below. |
Tuesday |
Mostly sunny. A chance of snow in the morning. Highs around 16. Northwest winds 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 50 percent. Wind chill values as low as 8 below in the morning. |
Tuesday Night |
Clear, cold with lows around zero. West winds around 5 mph. |
Wednesday |
Sunny. Highs around 18. Southwest winds 5 to 10 mph. Wind chill values as low as 4 below. |
Wednesday Night |
Partly cloudy. Lows around 10 above. Wind chill values as low as. |
Thursday |
Partly cloudy. Lows around 10 above. Highs in the lower 30s. |
Thursday Night |
Mostly clear in the evening, then becoming partly cloudy. Not as cool with lows in the lower 20s. |
Friday |
Mostly sunny. A chance of rain in the afternoon. Highs in the upper 30s. Chance of rain 30 percent. |
Friday Night |
Mostly cloudy with a chance of rain. Lows in the mid 20s. Chance of rain 50 percent. |
Saturday |
Mostly cloudy. Highs in the lower 30s. |
Saturday Night |
Mostly cloudy. Lows around 10. |
Sunday |
Partly sunny and cooler. Near steady temperature 15 to 20. Wind chill values as low as zero. |
Forecast from NOAA-NWS for Bloomington, IL. (Zone forecast for McLean)